I am toying with timing my shower to see if it's five minutes (unlikely). I haven't quite gotten there as I love my hot shower and want to enjoy it as much as possible. And since I'm in confession mode and to show you how much I love my shower, we did have a double shower head until recently, when the plumber told us that was why we kept running out of hot water :)
So the reality is that water conservation is a struggle for me. And since I love to shop, I decided a while ago that we would try to create less physical waste from showering. This means we switched to bar soap, preferably local with only a paper wrapping or no wrapping. Also we switched to bar shampoo. There is a cool company from Britain called Lush that makes awesome bar shampoo. They are the best I have found for giving a good lather like liquid shampoo. Sadly, I think their Squeaky Green bar is a bit of a waste of money as it has lots of herbs in it and they make is go faster- and they leave a mess in your shower. But their other varieties are great.
I was in a bit of a dilemma as to what to do with the liquid shampoo and body wash I already had as I have a tendency to stockpile (because I'm slighty paranoid about natural disasters). In the end I decided to use them up unless they had BHT or parabens- more on this later. Changing shower products has been an easy switch. A bit harder was trying to find a sponge I like cause I don't know if getting a natural sponge is any better than a synthetic one as they never seem to say if they are sustainably harvested. Of course this is a bit of a procrastinating distraction from taking shorter showers, but I'm getting there... really.
Note: Another shower change that is not so bad is to wash your hair every other day. I do this off and on and don't feel too greasy. If you really like to shower daily but want to shower less, you can bathe one morning and then bathe the evening of the next day, which is what I do. Now you know my *dirty* secrets so I expect you to keep them to yourselves :)
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