So what's this blog about you may (and probably will) ask? Well for awhile now my family and I have been trying to be more environmentally friendly. We have read books about it, changed the way we eat, changed what we bought, and we continue to struggle with being green(er). In reading books about people trying to be green, I have found that some people (mostly the ones trying to sell books) make some drastic changes and they stick with them for awhile but then it is too much and they backslide. And that's totally understandable if you are trying to live off the grid or get rid of your frig or make no trash... that would be hard to keep up.
I wanted to try for permanent changes that we can keep up long-term. And I thought that there must be other people trying to be more environmentally friendly but also trying to live in the real world. So this blog will be about changes my family has made or is trying to make and how they work and how much we stick with them. I will be truthfull about things that just don't work and while I like the idea of being less materialistic, I won't tell you that I will give up shopping. Instead we will work on buying products that are better for the environment or buying less or making our own. I want to make a lifestyle I can live with and share my ideas about this with people who are also trying to do this but at the same time not go crazy. I hope through this blog I can give you ideas that are green but also sustainable for us and the planet.
P.S. The Green Apple is because my toddler daughter loves green apples :)
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